Canadian Information Processing Society – BC
2018 Annual General Meeting (for calendar year 2017)
September 27, 2018 (Networking 4:30pm, AGM 5:30pm – 6:30pm Pacific)
Victoria location: Quartech, #200 – 1012 Douglas St., Victoria
Vancouver location: HC1510 (Tree Islands Industry Room)
SFU Harbour Centre, 515 Hastings St., Vancouver
Remote Dial-in: 1- 647-558-0588 Meeting ID: 244 889 331
Note: Remote connections are limited; please try to attend in person where possible in Vancouver or Victoria.
Pre-register and indicate Vancouver, Victoria or Dial-in by email to no later than 4:30pm September 24th. Pre-registered membersare eligible for prizes!
Please be advised that the agenda and meeting materials will be sent in a subsequent message.
This message is to remind all members of the importance of the AGM and is also a call for nominations to the CIPS-BC board. Over the past year we have seen a significant improvements at both the provincial and national levels. CIPS National is advocating for professionalism in IT and refining the code of ethics.
Nationally, we have welcomed new members with a large number joining in Saskatchewan. While this has created a substantial work reviewing new applications, it has also created an opportunity for CIPS to engage with provinces.
We are seeking to improve our relations with educational institutions in the province to help them integrate the international standards under our agreement with IP3 ( Canada is a leader in technology and our BC talent must continue to innovate and perform. If you are interested in volunteering with an internationally recognized organization with a focus on technology, we encourage you to join our board by attending the AGM. It is a rewarding experience that will connect you with amazing people and perspectives.